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Why Family Constellations Fail
How can your family tree help you
Some people talk about family constellations as if they had miraculously changed their lives, while others literally swear that it hasn’t helped them at all. So, which one is it? Can family constellations help or not?
With the increasing interest and spotlight on the subject, let’s take a closer look!
What are family constellations?
Family Constellations, also known as Systemic Constellations, is a therapeutic method that brings elements of family system therapy. It is a short therapy usually done in a single session revealing the unseen dynamic that spans multiple generations in a given family.
Those dynamics are usually the basis for the patterns we observe in our lives. The ability to see and accept them expands awareness and, therefore, creates the basis for change.
There are three principles governing systemic systems:
1 — Belonging
Everyone belongs. There is not one single person who isn’t a part of the clan. The person may not know who his or her parents were, but everyone has a mother and a father. Regardless of what someone might have done or been, each member of the system belongs to the clan.