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Letting Go and The Law of Attraction
“Tension is who you think you should be, relaxation is who you are”.
Even though relaxation is our natural state, we are so wired to stress that our organism gets used to a permanent state of tension and blockage as if that was balance. This burden creates an unbalance that leads to disease.
Letting Go: the Pathway of Surrender by David R. Hawkins, Reality Transurfing by Vadim Zeland and Ask and It Is Given by Abraham Hicks are three impressive books that even though may seem quite different, in essence are the same. They present different perspectives and approaches to the subject of spirituality, creation and reality. Hawkins presents an energetic emotional management system, a useful guide for a human being, Zeland explains quantum physics and how our energy affects our reality, Hicks presents our energetic nature and consequent interaction with the law of attraction. They all point out relaxation as a key factor of the experience of consciousness.
Does meditation equals relaxation?
Meditation is a way of sustaining a state of observation and flow that leads to serenity. It is not the absence of thoughts, rather the observation of them, letting them go without judgment. A good way to practice it, may be to affirm: “The mind is thinking” every time a thought comes. If you…