Do all lives matter?

Natalia Costa
5 min readJun 19, 2020

Much has been said about people, colors, genders and all the other gap differences we seem to find as human beings. How can we create a cooperative society rather than a competitive one when it comes to whatever difference we may find amongst us? What is the underlying cause of all the hate we perpetuate towards each other?

Parents have the leading role when it comes to racism, sexism or any other form of discrimination of a human being just because that person is different than what we are. Whatever the child experiences at home, the child tends to take further into his/her adult life. Beliefs and behaviors are inherited from families in the course of everyday life throughout years and years of growing up. (1)

In the movie The American History X, the indelible brain-wash young kids suffer daily is brilliantly depicted at dinner table when the father takes the lead of the conversation. This “hypnosis” happens everyday, day to day, in a consistent manner in innocent dialogues, observations and/or attitudes. It basically passes down from parent to child as an example of a leading behavior that the small one observes and mimics from an early age.

Emotional Awakening

As we are currently awakening to our emotional needs and understanding that human beings are more than just the physical body that meets the eye, the role of emotions in people’s health, in people’s behavior and even in cultural norms is becoming clearer. If up until today we have been disconnected from our own emotional guiding system, how can parents assist anyone fulfilling their emotional needs if they’re unable to address their own? Being sensitive to emotional management is a stepping-stone to understand that all lives matter.

Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. Martin Luther King Jr.

Social Differences

For the past decades, we’ve been offering more and more options to each human being. We have created a society filled with opportunities so that everybody could be integrated and succeed. However, even though this was a good premise from the standpoint we were on, it is based in a very competitive scenario of an extremely capitalistic system. Basically the main…



Natalia Costa

Human being 🐒 Engineer by day, Poet by night ☯️ Writing about emotional intelligence A.K.A. applied quantum physics.